Equipment/ Matériel personnel
Dépendant de votre tournage et des nécéssités, je m'adapte à la meilleur configuration technique Audio aussi bien en ENG qu'en mixage flux broardcast.
Depending on your production needs, i adapt the best possible configuration, in ENG or Live broadcast. Working with DCA and other kit rental companies, i can find
every thing needed from multi track recording, to consols and wierless connecting.
Personnal equipment:
Sennheiser 416 shot gun mic with rycotte wind jammer,
Soundevice 633 audio recorder
Sound device 442Mixer
Sony PCMD audio recorder
4 Lectrosonic wireless Kits with Sanken lav mics
Sony UWP wirless kits for audio monitoring IFB
Yamaha 01V digital mixing console
M audio box with Protools for editing.
Plus all cables and connectors needed.
I Also Work with DCA retal company in Paris who can furnish any audio equipment needed for a good price (soundevice 788, Lectrosonic wirless kits, Quantar...)
If you have any special demands contact me so we can work out your needs.
I usualy have my 633 Soundevice with me, it alows me to record on sevral tracks pre fader, and mix the content. It's also makes it verry eazy to sync up with caleras on the field.
4 Wierless kits with Sanken LAV mics and 2 HOP's to camera.n
Pour des prises de son milti pistes sur le terrain, L'enregistreur Soundevice 788 est le plus adapter et le plus utiliser en trournage.
For multi track recording on the feeled, the 788 soundevice recorder is the best system and the moste used for ENG shoots.
En prise de son ENG, la robustesse et la précision du mic Cannon MKH 416 m'est trés utile sur divers tournages.
On ENG shoots, the 416 shot gun mic helps me a lot on different shoots and ofers good precision.
Used mostly on fiction shoots, the quantar X multi track from AATON is the best recorder, with it's pre-amps that ofer a fantastic dynamic and it's resistance to difficult feeld work.