Working for ITV on HUB broadcast facilities. I hade the responsability of the audio department and mixing live as A1 sound engineer. "Love Island".Audio mixing /
intercom / wierless kits...
Secret story. Endemol/Euromedia:
Depuis 7 ans, j'assure la mixage audio du flux ansi que toute la configuration des systems intercom.
For 7 years i work on the audio feed mix and mantaning the intercom network systems for this show.
La ferme célébrité: Endemol/ euromedia: 1 saison, 3 mois de tournage en Afrique du sud, mixage flux, configuration audio, system intercom.
3 months shoot in south africa for reality tv show. Live feed mix, audio configuration and intercom systems.
Star academy: Endemol/ Euromedia: J'ai travailler deux saisons sur cette emission au mixage flux. Ainsi que le system d'interphonie.
I Have worked on 2 seasons of this show, live mix and inercom system on set.